this is virus

Assalamualaikum wbth

Carpal tunnel Syndrome, Mind-warming session. It's really menyakitkan-hati-jiwa-perut-limpa whenever in your heads, you got so many things to write up and post in but when the times come to type, it's halt! yes! enough to cause unbearable mental disorder.... yeah. it's totally make me like this
 Tuzki Bunny Emoticonand this too, Tuzki Bunny Emoticon

26th June 2013, I will enroll to do foundation once again in AUCMS after told, suggested by abah and pak teh. 
With "big heart", I said yes to it as I see it is the only option that I left just to go on with medicine. To give a shot and start afresh once again ain't easy told ya! 

This's totally a war with your ego, depression, frustration, thought, hard and painful inside and outside!

Tuzki Bunny Emoticon

The big problem again when all those come suddenly till' hardly to catch a breath, cause me ada masalah jiwa. 

jiwa yang meronta
Tuhan, aku perlu Kau
Jiwa yang menangis
kejauhan dari Dia
Jiwa yang sakit
Tuhan, aku zalim
Tuhan, tolong aku....


When to think and reflect whatever happened back months ago, 

bila Tuhan uji kau("aku")  sikit, bila Tuhan tarik nikmat kejayaan sekejap,

kau meronta, menjerit kata "im done!"

tapi kau lupa those yesteryears yang kau framed those "kejayaan" moments

_____________________________________________________>>>>> Tuhan. Rabbul'Izzati. I need to hold on and just 
                                                                                                       just say everything gonna be alright. <<<<<<____ font="">


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