e-Housemen Bil 3/2020: An experience of lifetime.

Assalamualaikum and Hi!

Passed Professional Exam II last year. 

Graduating last year.

Applied and submitted registration SPA for Pegawai Perubatan UD41 last year.

Applied for MMC Provisional Registration last year.

Selected for Tapisan 8/10 last year

and here go finally my name was selected for Pegawai Perubatan Gred UD41 Bil 3/2020. Almost 10months waiting time if counted from settled everything with SPA and MMC. I worked in as a clinic assistant for 6 months in waiting period. Haha. Could not believe it, I will start working my second job and most important as graduating medical student. Here come forth the journey of a junior-doctor-in-training. 

It's all started when my bestfriend, Dhina informed me when suddenly we can register our name in the e-Housemen website on 29th June 2020. My heart jumped inside and I did jumped like a monkey hahaha as I did grateful because I did thought my tapisan might not be selected in this intake. But Allah plan everything right?

Upon registration, we did received email from eHousemen telling that we succeed in registration. Normal stuff in every website you register right. No emotion and no hope like okay, might be nor might not selected. Still praying to be calm and hopeful for everything.

30 minutes later, that one email that we have been waiting finally came out in my inbox.

This e-mail that everyone are hopefully waiting for.

I went to my neighbourhood cybercafe which I never go usually. Thanks God the speed was super laju there. Regardless the fast connection, you can't really imagine how much the system could crash and many glitches you encountered.

They only open the system sharp at 12 pm. So, I went an hour earlier and select two pc and brought my sisters to help me. At first, my pc successfully reached until the penempatan page but it got kinda froze when I select HSB (Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah).

I freak out.


Then, my sister two pc away from me shouted her pc also succeed until penempatan page, quickly switch to place and try again. And my sister at my previous's PC said that HSB only left with 8 spots.

Double panic.

Fortunately, eHouseman system kinda okay and managed to go through until penempatan and quickly see which hospital left and Alhamdullilah, my eyes only see word Kulim there and click it. Yeah. Just like that.

I think God already put me in Kulim long time ago hahaha regardless how many word that I uttered I want to come back at HSB as a houseman. Hahaha.

Alhamdullilah, now settling all the bureaucracy stuff and medical check-up before a hellish heaven journey start.

- Z


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