SHORT NOTICE # through and through

Assalamulaikum wbth...

tiada kaitan. sekadar suka dengan daun kering. a cue that seen everyday that life is short, enjoy it to the fullest divinely
 Sejak menjejak kaki ini di tanah Sarawak ini ( tiada mood lagi untuk lagu untuk aku postkan entri-entri pasal datang ke UNIMAS ini. I prefer explore the exeperiance to the fullest than i shared it.)

Kini mood itu datang menjengah di hati kecil ini.

Minggu Aluan Pelajar (MAP) yang berlangsung dan dikendalikan oleh semua LO (Liaison Officer) yang sangat bersemangat. There were so many things that we had to do it. By hook or crook, just do it. Things went very awesome when mingling with students with different background. Sarawakian accents sound sweet.. ahaha but i still need time to digest those accents well. Serious!

Registered earlier than the rest had me connected the ukhuwah with Kak Khai, Kak Izzah and Kak Farhana. Orang-orang hebat. Fullstop

Yesterday, Kak Shafa and her gang brought a group of Asasian ( termasuk ak, kakcik,hana, haziyah) to the The Spring.. and jalan-jalan Kuching. Indeed, i thought that was their strategy to do a usrah group for us.


Allah heard my pray to change for good. Then, Allah sent me to UNIMAS. Im on the right path now.

The, finally, I already have usrahmates...

zakiah, hickmah, afiqah, atikah, hawa, fatin, abibah fatin, intan, syuhada...

ok. good. i remember all their names.

Asar kelmarin diakhir dengan tangisan kesyukuran kerana dipertemukan Allah dengan orang-orang hebat disini. Sungguh... aku sudah ngerti kenapa Allah tidak menghantar aku ke UIA. Aku menangis kerana bersyukur aku berada dalam kumpulan-kumpulan yang mahu menegakkan ad-deen ini. Sungguh .. Dia Maha Mengetahui.

Semoga titik tolak perjuangan ini mampu untuk aku berjaya ke perubatan kelak. (Well.. i have no backup courses at all...)

p/s : Baju Melayu Hijau Serindit - Syud......


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