read. widening.minds

Assalamualaikum wbth (im smiling right now…wee hee)

Reading is something that I couldn’t detach from my very own blood and bones. Lately, I challenged myself to read more good books ( kinda that open up our minds, able to see things in new and diverse perspectives and definitely that feeds our souls , always Quran is in the top list). Just want to move ahead in my reading and of course, more mature I guess.

# Dilema aurat wanita ketika bersalin – Zaharuddin Mohamed

I just happened to see this awesome book at Popular Komtar on the way to visit Ust. Azizan at GHPP (May Allah bless him all the way long). Surely, I get to know the real situation whenever a muslimah, woman having such a dilemma during the delivery. It’s quite sad that you were in situation that your mughallazah aurat is exposed to non-mahrams. Yes, in Islam, we can priorities to save the live (menjaga nyawa) rather than covering the aurat (in this case) whenever we were in duarat situation. But, there are still so many things to consider again before saying that we were in duarat situation.

 It’s reveal the seen situation which; the spouse just relax or okay if her spouse is treating by male doctors even he does not care to accompany her spouse during the treatment. Some hospital admin just said that they do not have a female doctor in that time or the female doctor is off-duty if patients request a female doctor. The nurses and whoever handling the baby delivery, they did it in such an open and noisy space. Contradicts if we see in overseas hospital which the doctors, nurses even whisper each other or it’s could disturb the patients.

Go get this book, it is suit to every muslims outta there especially for those mothers, mother-to-be, MO and medical students I guess.

# How to become a good and successful medical student – Prof. Dr. Muhaya Hj Mohamad

Ummi bought this to me.  Really get me inspired but I couldn’t finish it again. Just not in the mood and I got to finish it up.  Something that I realized through my reading, depending too much to friends in study is not so good. Study group is essential but everything you still have to do everything! #notetomyself

Oh. Let’s move on the fiction list. Tak boleh lari dengan fiction nih

# Nuansa Kota Merah – Khairyn Othman
 Best gila! Zaman la ni campur dengan zaman dulu-dulu tanah Sepanyol masih dibawah penguasaan Islam. Kisah Shuaib dengan Salma yang berkahwin atas wasiat baba Salma, bukan perkahwinan yang ditonjolkan sangat, tetapi kisah pasangan mujahidah dan mujahidah yang sangat cekal dan tabah akan cita-cita mereka untuk syahid di jalan Allah. Kisah Dina, gadis melayu kota metropolitan KL yang ada sangkut paut dengan Salma. Menarik, bukan? Siyes, best gila! Sangat membangun jiwa J sampai menangis aku.

Postmen sampai kat rumah. Terus melompat-lompat kat ruang tamu! Sebab 10 minit sebelum tu, mengadu dekat Kakcik, “Wei, bila Anthem aku nak sampai?” dan lepas tu, selamat ada dekat tangan sekali RADHA oleh Rynsa. What I can say about Anthem, beauty! Syahadatul Haq yang ditonjolkan oleh hlovate. Pastu dapat tau pasal third-culture kids yang aku memang tak tau sebelum ini. Dash, Lee, Haikal.

# Velvet di Durham ( yang ni reread) – Aishah Madadiy
Story about Fid, Mufeeda binti Saifuddin yang lost her entire family semasa dia ada dekat Cardiff, exam pulak dekat. Fid ni ambik philosophy. Best sangat sebab touch a little bit about English literature, books, surrounding dekat durham, Cardiff, around London. Kisah Fid yang pernah meragui akan Allah dan sentiasa yakin dengan Allah walaupun ditimpa ujian berat sedemikian. Kisah Aiden, pemuda NY yang rakan study sekali, lepak dekat library sekali, Vennel’s café. And kisah Alif J Seriously, you guys will get to know many books, philosophers, Islamic, friendship, trustworthy, virtue values.

#Relevenkah aku dihatimu aka RADHA by Rynsa
Oh. Yang ni kadang-kadang jiwang juga tapi masih lagi mengikut syariat. Tak cliché. Ada pengisian yang boleh dapat. Agak complicated jugak story, bumi Taiping, Tokyo, London dicampur aduk dengan watak Syah, Kaduk, Mar Iskandar.

#Bloodline – Sidney Sheldon
Awesome.  Suspens. Actually, this is my very first English novel after so many years (iyelaa sangat tu) I really want an English novel. Ha lah, mahal kot ni pun sebab guna baucer buku. Alhamdulillah. Memang aku tak berkira bila dengan buku. Tapi duit makan pon kena ada jugak kan. Huh, terbabas pulak. Elizabeth Roffe, anak pewaris pharmaceutical company yang gah seluruh dunia yang jadi buruan Roffe’s yang lain setelah ayah dia mati, dekat Mont. Blanc. Pastu banyak gila watak dalam nih, sebab the author nak display each of them yang finally nak harta Roff tu thru’ company shares diexpose dekat public sebab selama ni, company depa, shares tak buat camtu. Kiranya, the president memang berkuasa penuh dengan syarikat. Dengan kejadian yang menimpa Elizabeth, Sir Alec yang sex maniac (abaikan certain extents yang memerlukan guidance dari iman anda), detective yang super hebat tapi kadang nerd, kisah galther.. dan banyak lagi. When I finally finished read Boodline, rasa “wow” sebab selama ni tak tau pulak aku boleh baca buku English K niat nak improve English jugak. Tapi for me, it’s just for entertain yourself – the same feeling macam tengok movie tapi tak membangunkan jiwa pun.

#Hero – Hilal Asyraf
Masa nak beli buku ni pun sebab kenapa la kawan semua syok sangat dengan dia nih. I know him thru’ langit Ilahi tapi ntah tak terlintas pun nak beli buku dia. Sekali baca. Ya Allah! Best sangat, dpat imagine kalau satu hari nanti Islam betul2 tertunggak dekat Malaysia, ala2 batman tapi batmans yang menjaga ummah! Thrilled habis beb! Memang daebak gila Hilal. Ok, sekarang ni patutla semua org suka gila dengan novel. Yang penting, pokok pangkal cerita ini, sangat sampai dengan mesej DnT (dakwah dan tarbiyyah). Awesome kan? Kakcik pun suka novel ni.

#Smash 2.0, Misi 8A, Misi  10, Misi 10 A Plus – Afiq dan Nazry (yang ni komik – Komik-M)

Ingat komik lekeh ke ha? Best! Komik pun kalau pandai pilih, ada mesej yang depa nak sampaikan. Lukisan, stroke pon cantik ja.

p/s : Just found an awesome websites in case you want a cool e-book which can feeds your iman, I still working on to read such books ( Wallahualam bisawab. Sorry for mixing English, Malay, kedah accents together. Pray for me to be strong in the next pit-stop, AUCMS. Berliku juga hidup aku nih. In the next reading, Paradoks – Afifuddin Omar, sort of political novel yang dah berbulan beli, tapi tak abis baca2 lagi. Kalau macam ni, hantaran kahwin bagi buku pun, aku syok ja. Hee. Berangan!J
1.39 AM. 230613. 14thSyaaban1434Hijri.


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