calm before the storm

I often misjudged myself. Too much underestimated myself.

I thought coming to labour room as my first night as second poster will remain calm as how I entered it. 

But it is not.

Until, I was told to request Safe O for ongoing PPH.

Then. another GXM.

Then, my friend who was in OT told me it was until another cryoprecipitate, FFP and platelet. 

Attended new coming patient at PAC.

Terima kasih Tuhan for giving me all the help from the SN and dependable colleagues.

Until  I heard the PPH patient the last resort for her is hysterectomy.





I keep working do all the need as lowest chain in the system as houseman until all work done almost at 1 pm.

Back to hostel, get showered and sleep a while waiting for Kakcik to fetch me.

I cried all the way back to home as my head kept remembering that patient, Para 1 at her late twenties. 

Thanks God, her son is healthy as a baby should be. 

Recharging myself today on my offday.

Semoga Tuhan berikan kekuatan untuk hari-hari mendatang. 

I pray all this Jness will solidify my strengh as a doctor. 

Sungguh nak layu ni.

- Z


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