This post show that I am alive and will keep passing all the hurdles. 


Acah je tu.


- Started this mere blog since 2008, when I was a dummies teenager which probably curse rather than talk here.

- I made it guys! Any official events, will write my name alongside with MBBS (UniSHAMS). Hehe.

- Post-graduation drama banyak je but you gotta move along.

- Self diagnosing with unspecified anxiety disorder as encountered many hyperventilation episodes without specific triggering factors. Stress? Anxious? That's me in words.

- Made a vow to myself to confess this old friend of mine after passing my exam but thought always remain a thought. Chicken me are not forever ready to brace rejections??

- My name didn't listed on Bilangan 2 2020 for housemanship. So, pray hard will be listed on Bilangan Tiga. God, help me!

- Revision: Did revised but totally scrambled from CAP to open trauma and suddenly hypoglycemia in newborn.

- Political crisis 2020 really opened my eyes this truly dirty politicians of how they could come together and plot their mastermind for power in government. I remembered of how hard I was to travel from Segamat back to Butterworth just to vote for the first time with of course financial restraint. Anyhow, life must go on even though it partially kill my hope to vote again in the next GE.

- Started my first job as clinic assistant since October 2019 and will end it sooner next month, 31st March 2020.  Could not get more happier to think the day of my last day there. P/S: I think I should write what my first job teach me.

Good day ahead, InsyaAllah.

- Z


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