self-notes | =)

Assalamualaikum wbth...

In the name of Allah,
Most Gracious, Most Merciful,
Praise be to Allah,
the Cherisher and Sustainer of the Worlds,
and Peace and Prayer be upon the Final Prophet and Messenger. 

Alhamdullillah, Allah did give the rezeki for me to study in UNIMAS - Asasi Sains Hayat. At first, I was quite frustrated when I did't selected for the one course that i aimed very much was Asasi Perubatan - UIA. I watered! But, it just for a couple of minutes only. Huuu...I tried to think the ibrah from all of these. Alhamdulillah (Highly praised to Him).now I couldn't wait anymore to fly to sarawak. (kena study gila-gila..)


  • solat haram tinggal!
  • al-quran + matsurat
  • solat sunat +puasa sunat
  • qiyam 
  • jangan tidoq dalam kuliah! ( i slept in the class for all the time masa zaman sekolah. It's really.... menyedihkan sebab tak grab masa yang ada tu betol!! )
  • study!study!
  • jangan jadi pelupa.....;P (abah dengan ummi risau nak lepas aku pergi sarawak sebab ni....)
  • join usrah ke hapa...
  • be nice to everybody (memang aku bukan orang mudah untuk menyapa orang tapi ok je kalau disapa, im just simple ;))
  • lecturer kena kamceng..bukan bodek! untuk kemudahan semasa belajar juga!)
  • jangan tinggal barang! - spek, pendrive, laptop, botol air, handset, n macam2 lah (grow up, kiddo)
  • belajar bangun sendiri ( tak tau.... [-_-'] )
  • ?????

p/s : Ya Allah, Kau besarkan imanku untuk menghadapi dugaan-dugaan hidup dalam meniti fasa hidup baru. Amin.


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