mental constraint week

Assalamualaikum wbth....

If I'm playing with the "what ifs". It was just nothing. No regret over the spill milk. 
The only slack ruins everything. Add Maths B+..... ( dah tak leh nak kata apa)

ya... The PILN and PIDN required all the elective subject A- . With the only one slack, I felt that studying medicine overseas just have been buried in the ground deeply... (ya. ak sedih)

Tapi. Aku degil jugak orangnya!!

Ya! I still apply the medicine course (PIDN lah.. tu pun rasa cam tindakan berani mati. heh)
My ummi and abah asked me...

"kakak! ambik yang aucms tu, dekat kepala batas. kakak kena ingat.. u are not fighting alone.. but globally!" (ya.. i knew that)

"kakak tengok orang2 yang lead bahagian critical kat hospital tuh... depa USM cabuk ja. (inside my mind.... "usm cabuk??? gi-la vocab ummi aku"). la.. tengok ja pakteh hang tu.." (=P) 

ya pak teh, professional dah.. jusa B tuu....

ya it's all true, babe! If I keep debating concerning the bla-bla-bla overseas, i will lose it anyway. yela.. if i scored straight a's berabuk, yakin la sikit. 

padan muka. cikgu ajar depan TIDO.
syukurlah ngan result kau kurang satu A. own tazkirah... (ignore.enough)

After being consulted with my ummi, then I decided to follow what did they say..

(Berkat ikut cakap ummi abah.. hopefully i will get it.. tak kesah la kat mana-mana pun.. kau masih berpijak di bumi Allah ini.)

Then, I click the programme code....

Premis 1 : DN 1402 (MD at AUCMS)
Premis 2 : DN 1101 (MD at UniKL RCMP, Ipoh)

he. enough said that i don't care what are the path that I have to undergo ... as long as it still medicine... tara hal punyalah... 

Closure - yes! I am all the more enthusiastic doctor wannabe. ;)


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