
Showing posts from 2012


Guide us to the straight path ~ Al-Fatihah : 6


Assalamualaikum wbth, "Someone who have values are good but having values alone does not enough after all." kredit  sorry, the random picture. The prior thing that we should do is transforming values into action .  I just read that sentence during blogwalking a few days later [ Kredit ] p/s : tajuk post yg merapu

Dia Untukku, Reformasi Cinta [Ustazah Fatimah Syarha and Dr. Farhan hadi]

Assalamualaikum wbth.... Alhamdullillah, Allah had give the chances to meet with the author that I been admired before, Ustazah Fatimah Syarha. At first, I just got excited to go to the forum but I don't even know that the forum is all about. Lastly, I did see the poster...... walawehh pasai cinta kot....  But...its different. Yes. Lesson : bersangka baiklah selalu :) kredit ;)   it's totally a balm when see her face and salam with her... She just smiled and say sayang kerana Allah.


Sungguh. Aku rasa sangat kosong, fake, void, empty, fidgety, tak keruan . Aku rasa aku jauh dari tuhan, dari Allah! Tatkala hati ini menjerit-jerit meminta pertolongan  rawatan cemas tak pun menjerit untuk dimasukkan ke ER Department Hospital Umum Sarawawak dek keadaan yang sangat kronik! Namun, I denied everything all of those soul’s shouting and screaming. Masih lagi berlagak cool, berjalan ok je ke lecture halls, lab, seminar rooms.  I denied everthing  tapi  hati aku sakit! Tambah  lagi parah bila result mid-sem aku…… ( wah.. cepat2!! Drummer kat luar sana buat drum rolls paling gempak dan mantap!)…… bad. [-_-]’ Bila hati ini tak terdaya nak bagi tazkirah kat diri sendiri, sahabatlah yang dicari! Mencari sahabat kerana they are the one who always have their shoulders to rely on, sahabat yang tak putus mengajak untuk turn back to Him! Alhamdulillah! SMS dihantar! Random question asked to them! “macam mana nak betul-betul istiqamah dalam pengislahan ...

Keep going...

Assalamualaikum wbth..... It ain't easy to keep going. yea... keep going on. My second sister or i just call her Ateh. Ateh now currently studying in boarded-daily routine school (asrama harian that what typical Malaysian would said that). She told me that her gang especially their batch 1998 always be the mark on their 1995 seniors' eyes (Just call them Adudu gang to be easy to tell...=p) Why? As her gang always disobey the hostel rules that made by the school itself or previous traditions.  1. They went to the hostel by just wearing sports attire instead of official baju batik or baju sekolah. 2. They don't simply gave salam to their seniors (every hostel face that .. huh) 2. They will did everything that seemed kerek to the Adudu... well, typical trouble that normally they did.  But, even all of the childish criminal, they still study, learn as still strive when the examination is coming while the Adudu, the one who are going to sit for SPM, they still do not...

Different path. Same Aim. Always

PATH : Kubang Pasu Science School 2010 - 2011 "Whatever you did in life, how much you got angry with it.... just don't be 'anak derhaka'" "Wei ustazah datang! Sorok2 iron!" "Pssttt.... kita punya sorak sama dengan rumah lain la!!!!! hha??? " "Zaf, jom g surau!" "Ha! Laksa2!" "Wei, sorilaa pancake aku buat letak dengan kaya je..." "wei... zaf! aku nak tido kejap nih, nanti gerak aku kul 2 eh..." "Zaf!!!! susun kasut!!" "study jom, zaf!" "......tak! thanks to Allah.. bukan yang lain. " (she smiled then..) "Zorro!!!.... jangan tidoq" (new name... T_T) "Zaf...janganlaa tido. macam mana nak jadi doktor nih?" (Chemistry class....) "Wei, syok tak cita hindustan tu...?" (Sabtu-2petang-Bilik Study Ground Floor) "Gila ke hapa! Roll-call pagi2 buta! dah esok Bio!" (Trial SPM 2011 week) ...

Study and Da'waa

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Assalamualaikum wbth... The last week is totally a heart-broke week ever along  I'm here. Yes! Last week, I did enjoy to participate in PBL Biology Session where my my team requires to discuss about a man, that finally diagnosed to have hypoxemia and plus, have a history on pneumonia. Of course, for a moment, the picture of a group of physicians is discussing a bout their patients. Hahaha.... (berangan jadi doktor sebentar yang tak mungkin seindah yang disangka). Then, after finishing my very first PBL Sessions, some of my friends did asked me to terjah lecturer's room to get our chemistry test marks. I did have instinct that my my marks surely gone bad. I did read and revise but just don't no why i don't feel the zouq when studying. (masalah hati ???) Then, the lecturer welcomed the four of us including me to get in his office. He asked us to sit first as he was already discussed something with two other my clas...

Off StairsTalk

kadang-kadang kita sengaja memekakkan teliga ini hanya perkara itu bertentang arus dengan kita kadang-kadang kita bangga dengan perkara... yang sama sekali... (sigh..) sebab perkara tu dah jadi norm, so perkara tu tak salah lah?? benda yang salah dibiasakan  lama-lama jadi tak salah... camtu?? then, what the point kita ada al-quran untuk tentu mana salah dan mana betul kalau semua benda perlu justify? sigh... kesan ghuzwatul fikr.... p/s : off. Wallahualam bi sawab. Ada PBL Session menanti!

Off 3 Syaabaan 1433H

Assalamualaikum warahmatuhallahibawarokatuh maghfiratuhwaridhwanuh... Date : 3 Syaaban 1433H Venue : Masjid UNIMAS, Kampus Timur Alhamdullillah.  Kehadiran Kak Zatil disambut dengan salam dengan penuh rasa rindu! Assalamualaikum... Kak Zatil dengan buku2 ditangan dan sebuah mangkuk besar ditangan sebelah lagi. Yay! Tembikai. =) Emcee dilantik. Atiqah - anak Johor yang kini mula berkata dalam loghat Kedah akibat berkawan dengan penulis! hehehe.... Atiqah : Assalamualaikum wbth dan kita mulakan majlis kita dengan Ummul Kitab Al-Fatihah.  ---------------------- sayup-sayup al-fatihah diucapkan bersama-sama. Alhamdulillah----------------- sambung atiqah.... semua sihat? and blabla...... salah seorangnya..... "asshim..." hehehe.hanya orang-orang itu mengetahui dan pastinya Dia! # OFF USRAH # GHUZWATUL FIKR... fokus mendengar setiap kata-kata kak zatil. lantaran, kosa kata itu amat asing bagi aku. Sungguh, ya terbit ras...

# Rant on Afiqah and Yana =) #

Assalamualaikum wbth. Higly praised to Him! Alhamdulillah. belajar sendirian di masjid. tiba-tiba, hati berasa tak sedap tiba-tiba, mainan perasaan sahaja atau mungkin sebab aku sorang-sorang. Motorola berdering~~~ A UMMI : kakak, ummi x bagi dok sorang2. bahaya. ~mungkin kakcik.~ sebelum tu... Afiqah : wei... aku ngan puteri kat sini makan sehari sekali je... blabla  Insaf : dulu kami kutuk sakan dewan makan, tak tahu menghargai makanan yang disediakan! sekarang, rasakan!! insaf... tapi yang paling buat aku gembira rasa nak terloncat-loncat bila perkhabaran gembira dari dia dan dia! to her :  Sembang semalam buat aku happy sangat2!!   Alhamdulillah. Ain't it enough and fair for me to say..... P/S : jazakallahu khair. tak dapat nak cerna siapa lah yg menjengah ke blog ni. ada peningkatan.b Alhamdullilah


penulis tengah marah! honestly a ku tahu dia belum kenal aku tapi dia kenal Islam kan?? aku tahu dia stok budak friendly bapak tapi dia tahu limit kan??? if and only if he knows... tak pun dia buta dan tuli... apa itu limit? limit yang sudah terang lagi bersuluh bagai lampu spot light dipentas dalam surah an-nur 30 Tell the believing men to reduce [some] of their vision and guard their private parts. That is purer for them. Indeed, Allah is Acquainted with what they do. 24:30 dan aku juga punya peringatan sendiri dari Dia..     24 : 31 And tell the believing women to reduce [some] of their vision and guard their private parts and not expose their adornment except that which [necessarily] appears thereof and to wrap [a portion of] their headcovers over their chests and not expose their adornment except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands' fathers...

off desa ilmu.

amaran : penulis kehilangan idea untuk tajuk. harap maklum. Assalamualaikum wbth.... Alhamdulillah. Highly praised to Allah, The Almighty! Allah ease my journey for the time im being here. The new things that have to schedule in my daily life now... lectures, tutorial, lab session, OPSE ( coming... i still fail to handle compound mircoscope but stereo microscope is awesome.. lah!! tadpoles depan longkang lab biology 9 sangat comel.. haahhaha ). In plan  - lepak dengan Afirah dekat masjid - study. InsyaAllah.              - bagi ikan makan dekat tasik!             - pergi CAIS Barat.             - ???? Okey. Gotta go.... ( sungguh sy xde idea! ) Afirah dah tunggu dekat masjid! love this.. conclusion from this seminar that i had attend : Islam itu mudah!

SHORT NOTICE # through and through

Assalamulaikum wbth...  tiada kaitan. sekadar suka dengan daun kering. a cue that seen everyday that life is short, enjoy it to the fullest divinely  Sejak menjejak kaki ini di tanah Sarawak ini ( tiada mood lagi untuk lagu untuk aku postkan entri-entri pasal datang ke UNIMAS ini. I prefer explore the exeperiance to the fullest than i shared it .) Kini mood itu datang menjengah di hati kecil ini. Minggu Aluan Pelajar (MAP) yang berlangsung dan dikendalikan oleh semua LO (Liaison Officer) yang sangat bersemangat. There were so many things that we had to do it. By hook or crook, just do it. Things went very awesome when mingling with students with different background. Sarawakian accents sound sweet.. ahaha but i still need time to digest those accents well. Serious! Registered earlier than the rest had me connected the ukhuwah with Kak Khai, Kak Izzah and Kak Farhana. Orang-orang hebat. Fullstop Yesterday, Kak Shafa and her gang brought a group of Asasian ( termasuk ak...

self-notes | =)

Assalamualaikum wbth... In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful, Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the Worlds, and Peace and Prayer be upon the Final Prophet and Messenger.  Alhamdullillah, Allah did give the rezeki for me to study in UNIMAS - Asasi Sains Hayat. At first, I was quite frustrated when I did't selected for the one course that i aimed very much was Asasi Perubatan - UIA. I watered! But, it just for a couple of minutes only. Huuu...I tried to think the ibrah from all of these. Alhamdulillah (Highly praised to Him).now I couldn't wait anymore to fly to sarawak. (kena study gila-gila..) PENGISLAHAN DIRI .... solat haram tinggal! al-quran + matsurat solat sunat +puasa sunat qiyam  jangan tidoq dalam kuliah! ( i slept in the class for all the time masa zaman sekolah. It's really.... menyedihkan sebab tak grab masa yang ada tu betol!! ) study!study! jangan jadi pelupa.....;P (abah dengan ummi ...

when a lil' boy thought the 'thanks'.....

Assalamualaikum wbth.. Sometimes the word "thanks" would balm the hot heart straight away. Indeed. I will fell extremely pleased when people thanked me when i did something good deed to them. As a return, 1 just want a thanks. only it. Yea.. i knew that the habit to thank people isn't being the culture yet. But, my only super boyfriend, he thought me the "thanks" (he is my brother . ok. 5-year-old ;)) This happened about past months ago when I was in my bedroom (buang masa je), suddenly my sis's friend came and do ask a Science UPSR questions to me. Yes, she had a so-called study group together with my sister. I did explained to me and sometimes, my explanation beyond the UPSR's syllabus. hahaha... padan muka!! We finished the long explanation - and she go away just like that with no salam (at least... at a second, ok. she's just 12-years old) .Padahal aku geram gak tuh!!! Out of blue, my lil' adik said to me , "akak!!, terima kasi...