the flashbacks of 2010!

end parts of 2010! geting near!

the flashbacks of 2010!

i got an offer to study at sms kubang pasu! it was my dream to study at sbp since i was f1!

then, new fren, new school, new teacher and the dormitory life! it quite give me the buck stress! but believe me! it totally awesome!
new friends - 5 fer 'em > AWESOME, FUYOO, NICE, BAEK, and CRAZY maa.. ngee~~~
new circle - it wasn't easy to be in the new circle. wif smart people ( even we x capai the real standard... kowt???)but the most important, i learn! i learned many things! things that change me! my ummi told it too! im getting brave.. hahah ye ke.. naek bas sorg2.. syok2 cm adventure.. wee~

TEARS!! tears had many flowing out by this year! we cry fer the happiness, sadness, and nothing too.. haha?? i learn to control my ego?? emotion. tears is good as it reminds me to the death!

the girls reckoning on me! they were kakchik, ateh, aiman, tini and yah. and last but not least, my bf... the most syg bf.. Abdullah Fahmi bin Azmi. He now already 3 yrs old! Adek... jgn cepat besar doe~~ =)

maturity.... i could feel the matureness... ahhaaa.. wha a freak ayt ma? ntah la.. but i jus feel it.. go it?

BADAR!.... getting involved in BADAR! what a new! very new to me? i didn' xpect that i could be the BADAR! even until now, ak rse cm x lyk je! there's many rite peps outthere! bu i just learned and learned! i learned to know ALLAH better. I could handle the 'usrah` wif f2 students well. i guess so bcos it was my very 1st time.. to lead an 'usrah`. I love it. =P

conclusion- 2010! it has been the best year of me! the tranformation phase of me! EXPERIENCE... yeah its d most important!! and what jus can i say? 2010!.... gr8 and C00L!! =)


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