read. widening.minds

Assalamualaikum wbth (im smiling right now…wee hee) Reading is something that I couldn’t detach from my very own blood and bones. Lately, I challenged myself to read more good books ( kinda that open up our minds, able to see things in new and diverse perspectives and definitely that feeds our souls , always Quran is in the top list). Just want to move ahead in my reading and of course, more mature I guess. # Dilema aurat wanita ketika bersalin – Zaharuddin Mohamed I just happened to see this awesome book at Popular Komtar on the way to visit Ust. Azizan at GHPP (May Allah bless him all the way long). Surely, I get to know the real situation whenever a muslimah, woman having such a dilemma during the delivery. It’s quite sad that you were in situation that your mughallazah aurat is exposed to non-mahrams. Yes, in Islam, we can priorities to save the live (menjaga nyawa) rather than covering the aurat (in this case) whenever we were in duarat situation. But, the...