
Showing posts from 2013

Jazakillah doe!!

Assalamualaikum wbth... Bismillahirahmanirrahim. Alhamdulillah. Highly praised to Allah. May all of us are always in Allah's barakah and rahmah. Officially, I already are in semester 2 of Foundation in Medical Studies. This time, having a good and meaningful relationship with A&P (anatomy and physiology) and not forgetten too, Basic Human Behaviour and Pyschology as well.  buku rumet dengan buku pinjam boring gila. hek eleh...   *betulkan spec* Just nak habaq pasal seorang hamba Allah yang Allah bagi chance dekat aku untuk rasa kasih-sayang dia untuk Dia jugak akhirnya. Aiseh Kepada dia yang, mengajar aku untuk menerima semua orang tanpa sebarang buruk sangka mendidik aku bahawa Tuhan itu Maha Pengampun dan everyone deserves it and tak dak sapa pun ada tiket untuk halang anybody from feel it, menyemai dalam hati yang hidup ini solely untuk Dia, yang ajaq aku untuk berterima kasih seikhlas-ikhlas kepada mereka yang berhak, ...

Jangan bertuhankan ego.

Assalamualaikum wbth Tuan punya gambar Hari itu (dah berbulan actually), sempat pergi jap graduation adik. hehe graduation pra-sekolah ja.  Just a small feast which we can see all the teachers' struggle. But it' s a memory that must carved on this heart.  It's really sooth whenever seeing those little kids wearing their bright yellow jubah graduation. hehe Seronok tengok budak-budak ni berlari sana sini,  yang dah sampai turn nak ambik sijil tak pakai lagi jubah,  yang tersengih-sengih malu-malu nak tangkap gambaq, dah tangkap gambaq, dok sengih-sengih lagi nak nak tangkap tapi tak cakap, ahaha sengih itu kira cakap la doe... ahaha dalam damai melihat mereka, then I thought..... kalau masa kecik, fitrah kita suci... kenapa mesti wujud perang tumpah darah yang sanggup bunuh orang sana sini, kenapa mesti wujud puak-puak yang menindas orang sampai dah lagi teruk dari setan, kenapa mesti wujud dengki hitam yang cu...


ESFP -  "Entertainer". Radiates attractive warmth and optimism. Smooth, witty, charming, clever. Fun to be with. Very generous. 8.5% of the total population. Free Jung Word Choice Test (similar to MBTI) personality tests by

read. widening.minds

Assalamualaikum wbth (im smiling right now…wee hee) Reading is something that I couldn’t detach from my very own blood and bones. Lately, I challenged myself to read more good books ( kinda that open up our minds, able to see things in new and diverse perspectives and definitely that feeds our souls , always Quran is in the top list). Just want to move ahead in my reading and of course, more mature I guess. # Dilema aurat wanita ketika bersalin – Zaharuddin Mohamed I just happened to see this awesome book at Popular Komtar on the way to visit Ust. Azizan at GHPP (May Allah bless him all the way long). Surely, I get to know the real situation whenever a muslimah, woman having such a dilemma during the delivery. It’s quite sad that you were in situation that your mughallazah aurat is exposed to non-mahrams. Yes, in Islam, we can priorities to save the live (menjaga nyawa) rather than covering the aurat (in this case) whenever we were in duarat situation. But, the...

eksplorasi media?

to sukinah (if you're reading this).. this ayat just popped out when doing some heart-ranting session with her during foundation dolu-dolu.. ahah! got inspired when watching step-up 3 kot! blog tagline. bajet

prejudis malam

Assalamualaikum Life is ongoing process that always have the phase of peak of hope and depth of despair that usually retard the emotion. Conflict the others’ thought which always prejudiced.  Ya.  Prejudis manusia –manusia itu yang kadang-kadang mampu jeopardized sisi-sisi liku hidup orang itu. Prejudis membabi-buta itu yang meremukkan hati kecil yang sedang bina bata-bata untuk hati itu juga. Prejudis itu bisa sekali meruntuhkan keyakinan bak akar mencengkam bumi. Sungguh kuat bisa prejudis itu. Tetapi…. Hati kecil itu juga masih ada lagi secalit harapan yang pelangi tetap ada walaupun langit hitam bertebar, Hati kecil itu juga masih percaya bahawa awan hitam putih berkepul bertrillion bagaimanapun, mentari masih ada menyinari, Hati kecil itu sentiasa ada harapan bahawa pada Dia, Rabbul’Izzati yang Maha Adil untuk menghukum hati kecil  tanpa sebarang prejudis itu. 30052013 |20rejab1435H |8:57pm­­       ...

this is virus

Assalamualaikum wbth Carpal tunnel Syndrome, Mind-warming session. It's really menyakitkan-hati-jiwa-perut-limpa whenever in your heads, you got so many things to write up and post in but when the times come to type, it's halt! yes! enough to cause unbearable mental disorder.... yeah. it's totally make me like this   and this too,  26th June 2013, I will enroll to do foundation once again in AUCMS after told, suggested by abah and pak teh.  With "big heart", I said yes to it as I see it is the only option that I left just to go on with medicine. To give a shot and start afresh once again ain't easy told ya!  This's totally a war with your ego, depression, frustration, thought, hard and painful inside and outside! The big problem again when all those come suddenly till' hardly to catch a breath, cause me ada masalah jiwa.  jiwa yang meronta Tuhan, aku perlu Kau Jiwa yang menangis kejauhan dari Dia Jiwa yang sakit Tuhan,...


"amacam dah abeh exam" " alhamdulillah..whatever it's come out after this, all of those will be His best plans. InsyaAllah." That was what I said when my lovely sister asked me about my scary final exam. The well- said which now is  kinda testing me this right moments. Yes. Indeed, i felt some sort of zombinated human-being right now.  Everything seemed a very pitch coal black and sensed fear anywhere in this deep heart. Everything that I  believed and confident seemed to collapse just like 9/11.. huh?  Yeah... the moments. Heart-wrecking moments. Just about clicking the e-pelajar tabs, my family just around me - chatting together before sending off my sister  to her boarding school in Bukit Kayu Hitam - then just scroll down the pages - then ran to the bathroom. flood  maybe? in cheeks? haha.... After minutes (kofh..kofh), my sis salam with me, my ummi came and my abah hugged me... "tak pa, abah kan ada...

P E D U L I . U M M A H . R A N T

R egard the recent event – bullied case that happened in Seberang Jaya, Penang. “Budak belasah ketua tingkatan” – that’s probably people would say about the case. Short intro – I am sure everybody would know about this. People in FB did talk about this, comment this, that, bla bla. Even the I found a page that entitle “Kami Mahu Pembuli Kelas Ditangkap”. I think it’s far enough for us to talk about this. Of course, those kids ( Ya Allah, depa baru form 3 ja…. So pathetic) were completely guilty for their action, amoking?,  brutal actions toward the class monitor, proudly recording their all-time-waited action scenes!  Yeah, They did wrong. But, I did scanning all the public comments towards this case. Our people were too judgementing. And somehow, my point of views towards all those comments – like the public bullied those kids back in literal. The way they comments  : ·          like those kids didn’t have any go...

Rant : Rindu, Memori :)

Assalamualaikum wbth.. start 1.56 am................ Disclaimer : This post uses Kedah accent. Haha.. I miss home! Dulu masa aku kecik-kecik, aku selalu kena pi hospital sebab aku lelah (asthma), ...........teruk kut.. tiap2 minggu kena pi guna inhlaer yang kat hospital tu.. (ok...ini exaggerate) suatu hari tu, aku kena tahan kat ward dekat Hospital Kajang... tak ingat sama ada masuk ward sebab lelah atau tercekik buah belimbing (this is my childhood history!) lepaih tu, aku terjaga - teriak nak botol susu - lapaq la kot masa tu, katil aku tepi tingkap - teriak lagi teriak - sebab tengok ada abah kat luaq          - dok kat bench, baca surat khabaq teriak..sebab abah tak dak kat tepi aku.......... pastu, ada makcik yang tengah jaga anak dia         tolong bancuh susu kat aku (aku 4-5 tahun kot masa tu) terima kasih, makcik :) ini off-topic, terharu......            seb...

Congratulations to Chivalry!

Deabak! Alhamdulillah :)  straight a+ achievers Teachers' smiles Congratulations to Chivalry Generations. Keep up all the hardwork till in the university, p/s: sorry short entry. the math assignments is waiting for me.

.....emosi ranap hukum pertama newton......

Aku, Kau, Dia and Mereka kata ……. …. just leave it all to Allah. Everything will be fine. Put all your faith in Allah!!!..... Tapi bila dugaan dari Dia datang, Insan-insan itu yang akan cari jalan untuk elak dari hadapinya,   Latihan kawad   clash dengan quiz bio esok harinya. Sanggup skipped latihan kawad, study dalam bilik sorang-sorang. Selfish! Selfish!!! Kau cakap just leave it all to Allah??!!! Tapi bila Allah uji sket, kau ambik langkah ‘ JUAL IKAN’ (baca : selfish).  Kau bohong! Kau hipokrit! Kau munafik! Bila exam dekat, the clock is ticking! , the last buzzer sound is merely to be heard!  Kau ludah pada muka para muaalim dan muallimah ! Mata, tangan, gesture pada muallim, muallimah itu fakely! Indah penuh tatatertib, penuh dusta! Tapi hati focus dengan nota-nota ditangan yang punya keberangkalian keluar pada exam hari ini. Kau Bohong!!! Kau Hipokit!! When the result came out, Kau puas hati!! Kau bersyukur!!...

He cried and he hide it.

Assalamualaikum wbth. Having a only brother in my life is really one of thing in my life that I really grateful for. Alhamdulillah. I don't know why he seemed to be my weakest point since he born. 19 January 2007 - at that time, I was a Form 1 student and yet the scar of losing my brother (Al-Marhum Muhammad Abdullah bin Azmi) in 2005 is not really healed (adek died because he was an anenchepalic baby. InsyaAllah, dia tunggu ummi dan abah dia kat syurga sana) - it's really a gift from Allah swt.  and now, he's already a pre-school student at SK Sungai Karangan. I don't even realize how the time fly really fast and watching he's growing. I still remember the time when I changed his diapers. Can you imagine he just three months ( at that time) and people thought that he's already 12 months??!!!  Only abah and me cannot get angry with him or he'll be very sad.  The time when I really suffered when he cried and hide it! He's tried to hide! Man!!!! ...

Say Infinity Alhamdulillah !

Ateh! Semoga jalan yang akan diredahi ini membuka jalan menuju Allah! InsyaAllah

Parodi Forum Suara Mahasiswa

i like!

Shakinah Sholehuddin: 26.4: Forum Suara Mahasiswa UUM

Shakinah Sholehuddin: 26.4: Forum Suara Mahasiswa UUM : Mungkin sudah ramai yang melihat video ini, kepada yang belum, anda lihat dan nilailah dengan mata hati.  Seorang mahasiswi ini bera...

A Bliss 2012 Closure

Assalamualaikum wbth.. A bliss 2012 closure. Yes, bliss as I got attended mukhayyam for the first time of my life. FYI, mukhayyam is one of wasilah tarbiyah. They named it Mukhayyam Akhwat 2012. See it? akhwat only. (ohh yeah, naik tanduk la aku). Happily be seated in front besides Kak Huda ( a teacher from SMK Pending, if im not mistaken), she comes all the way from the house and took us (aku, hawa, hickmah, intan) from our college and begin the mardhatillah (seeking Allah bless) journey to Kem Alapong, Lundu. Almost taking 2 hours to get there, and car air-con was really spreading the sleepy aura. (iye lah tu... kalo abah, mesti dah cakap macam ni "hampa ni otak lemah, tak dan berapa minit dah tidoq, tengok abah - dah umoq dekat 60 pon..maintain lagi" and -__-').   Moments before i got sleeped, a talk with Ust Pahrol Juoi from on air (and the talk is really catchy as it touch something about doa and next, ZZZZZ) and when I woke up, Dr.Muhaya is on the air...