e-Housemen Bil 3/2020: An experience of lifetime.

Assalamualaikum and Hi! Passed Professional Exam II last year. Graduating last year. Applied and submitted registration SPA for Pegawai Perubatan UD41 last year. Applied for MMC Provisional Registration last year. Selected for Tapisan 8/10 last year and here go finally my name was selected for Pegawai Perubatan Gred UD41 Bil 3/2020. A lmost 10months waiting time if counted from settled everything with SPA and MMC. I worked in as a clinic assistant for 6 months in waiting period. Haha. Could not believe it, I will start working my second job and most important as graduating medical student. Here come forth the journey of a junior-doctor-in-training. It's all started when my bestfriend, Dhina informed me when suddenly we can register our name in the e-Housemen website on 29th June 2020. My heart jumped inside and I did jumped like a monkey hahaha as I did grateful because I did thought my tapisan might not be selected in this intake. But Allah plan everything right? Upon regis...