Asssalamualaikum wbth.. What you guys gonna read, perhaps u guys thought it lame! super lame. ( yes. akusangatgeram ) Viewing kinda scary status on fb or entries in blogger. Example... " ada orang tu saya mesej, calls banyak kali. x angkat pon" "hye awak, gembira hari ini dapat kuar dengan awak" ..... and the list go on... Most of kinda ayat done by my friend since we are in primary,secondary school. I don't see why we as a muslimah should say those words to someone that we even don't know he is the exactly the one in life. Be sure on the unsure things. We put the faith on the unsure things and yet we doubt the seen-sure-things. GOT IT ? Why? I never see this kinda boy-girl relationship as the major thing that we should do within our younger ages. ( deep down.. this kinda relationships is one of the bloody mess ) We chase out our desires first rather than thinking our prior relationship - simpler, as a anak. We being very selfish uh? ...