" mai ai.. asal kerek semacam je minah nih tapi ...."

February 2010 in 4FiKIR'S...... " weh.. NSIA tu pa ?" aku tanya dia. "Hmmm... tekalah !" Mai ai... awat kerek semacam je bunyi tuh dan.... aku mulalah teka2 ntahpapa lagi. Eheh! Mana la aku tau teka2 nih... Baru kenal.. And maybe she thought im stupid enough as the so-called common sense pon aku tak tau.. Hahaha "NSIA tu nama aku la... " dia jawab dengan boringnya. (budak ni..... ) "Nur Syahrul'Izzati Adliana .. " dia tambah lagi. dan lepas tu..... Ahah!! Why don't we just keep it as a history then? Yaa!! NSIA = CA'UN!! she was the one that i got along with when we were in the same new class + new circumstances! Till now... since February 2010, Allah do sent me her to me. She was the one who thought me... don't be hipocrite... don't be the anak derhaka and the one who shared her K-POP's viruses with me until i became the hard die fan Beast!! hahaha. and so much more laaa kalo nak cite and ...