can i ??? yeas i can !
hye guys! damn miss mu blog! after struggling for the mid -year exam! selaras sbp! my currently mood rite now! is hard to be told rather than just kept it inside my heart . nur zafirah bt azmi , is determined 100% to be a doctor. i could see that i was so desperate to achieve medical study! either local or overseas, i dun care. the most important is that i have to be a doctor. my senior, she's goin to further her studies at kmb, medicine. that was very cool for me! last month... (kut??) some of my friends told me that medicine course had been frozen for 5 years for now! then, i could feel that the tears want to flow out! but tahan je! ceh bajet egomu! then, i called mu beloved ummi, then my ummi just laughing at me!! ??? he3... actually, it's just a rumuour ! medicine only freeze for the new uniiversiti or college that want to have medicine course at their uni! Ahhh... bazir je air mata aku lepas solat maghrib... kan da lewat g prep! Hardwork!!